Saturday, September 4, 2010

Rejected …. Again

The Question Of Why God Gives Us Gifts And Abilities Just To Allow Us To Get Rejected From Opportunities To Use Them....

Today was the orientation and registration day for the returning students here at Bethany College. It is one of those days that I dislike the most about the beginning of the school year. The reason I don’t like it is because for orientation all of us returning students have to sit and listen to announcements about the upcoming year. Some of them are new information that is very helpful but a lot of them are just things that we have heard and been through already in our past few years here. After the announcements and such we all have to go and register for classes and give all of our student information that the school needs as well as sign p to try out for sports teams and music teams like hockey or chapel band, stuff like that.

This is my fourth year here at Bethany College. Every year I signed up to try out for chapel band (the main worship team that represents Bethany when they go play at churches, at the school or for Youth Advance) and every year I try out and I don’t get picked. This year was different though, this year I went and saw the person in charge of the tryouts to get onto the chapel band and I wasn’t even given a chance to try out because I have a physical medical condition and therefore I am unreliable.

What I don’t understand is why does God give us gifts and talents and then allow the door to be slammed shut in my face when I want to use them to worship him? Why doesn’t he put it on people’s hearts and minds to just give me a chance and trust him that he won’t allow me being sick to get in the way of being on a music team that worships him?

Why has God allowed me to be rejected again just to walk back to my room and break down while wondering if I am really so useless because of my medical condition that I can’t even play drums on the main worship team here at school?

Rejected …. Again


  1. "why does God give us gifts and talents and then allow the door to be slammed shut in my face when I want to use them to worship him?"
    1) Would you rather not have those gifts at all? Hopefully you can enjoy your talent and the music for its own sake. It's not like you can't drum.
    2)You need to be in the chapel band in order to worship him? Really?

    "Why has God allowed me to be rejected"
    I think it's weird that you are involving God in this discussion but somehow at the same time think that this could be a big deal. I would have thought that if you could keep in mind the creator of the universe, you wouldn't be taking up so much of the picture.

    You know how it works. Someone gets picked, everyone else gets rejected. Why is it God's fault? You weren't as good a fit for chapel band as the person who got picked. So it goes. Do other things.

    I realise this comment might make you mad because it isn't soaked in sympathy.

  2. I was told that I was rejected because I have a chronic illness, I think I sometimes get mad at God when this happened because I know that he has the power to heal me and he has so far chosen not to. I feel like having this illness has closed so many doors for me in helping lead worship in the Bethany community. That is why I felt so upset about it at the time. I do admit that this comment does upset me a bit because to me it sounds like you are speaking to me as though you have never been upset with God when you feel called to do something but then he allows human ellements to slam the door in your face but maybe that is just the way I perceived it. I didn't really expect anyone to completely understand this post because I don't know anyone else currently at Bethany or formerly at Bethany that has a serious illness and that was told "you would be my first pick but you are sick so I can't allow you to be a part of this team because it will cause problems" yes that is a direct quote but I won't post who said it. I don't want things to be soaked in sympathy but I also don't want them to make me sound like a horrible person and like I have a bad relationship with God just because I had some strong emotions about being rejected.

  3. Just worship to God alone - just you and Him. He will give you His full attention. He knows & understands rejection. There are other churches who reject musicians & accept others for their skills and good looks. They may play excellently but do not bring in His Presence. Aaron - you are part of The Remnant Worship Team. There are others like you. Find them & worship with them. God always shows up where there is a hinger for Him.
    To Old Acquaintance ; - Search your own heart.
