Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back To School – Year Four At Bethany College

Tomorrow, Friday September 3, 2010 is the day that I go back to Bethany College in Hepburn Saskatchewan and move back into the dorm for another year of school. The moving part is the least fun and then once I get to the paying for it part I’m not having any fun at all any more especially because I don’t have any money to pay for school with this year because I worked at camp for the summer. Right now I am just trusting that God will provide the funds that I need in order to pay for school. I trust that because he called me to work at camp this summer where it was obvious that I wouldn’t make much money that he will somehow help me find a way to pay for school this year. Overall I am really looking forward to being back at Bethany and seeing my friends from there again but at the same time I am really missing my friends from Camp Evergreen. That’s all I feel like saying right now.

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