Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Loss Of A Wonderful Friend & A Wish To Stop The Pain That Comes With That Loss

As some of you may know a good friend of mine passed away on Thursday, August 19th 2010. At the time I was working at Camp Evergreen in Alberta. Christina was an amazing young woman with a passion for telling people about God and helping others. She was going to the U of S in Saskatoon to become a nurse. This choice of career fit right in with her personality and her passion for helping anyone in need no matter what. Christina grew up in Austria with her Mom, Dad and younger brother. She had gone back home to visit them for a few weeks before she would have to move all of her belongings into her dorm room and prepare for her final year of training to become an RN. As she was driving to the airport to fly back to Canada she was involved in a car accident and unfortunately died while the EMTs were working on her at the scene. This loss of a wonderful twenty year old woman who loved Christ and never hesitated to put others before herself has shocked her friends and family. Personally I can’t help but ask God why he would allow this to happen. Why would he let such a wonderful young woman that was an example of his love in everything that she did and everywhere she went die so suddenly at such a young age? I can’t even begin to understand his plan in this situation or how he could possibly make something good come out of this. In the aftermath of her death her father gave his life to Christ and that is amazing but my question for God is this: Could she have not lead so many more people to you and spread your love in so many more places if she were alive today and she didn’t have to die so young? This is a question that I don’t know if I will get an answer to in this life. As her friends and family grieve her loss and try to make sense of a difficult situation I just pray that we can have faith in God and find comfort in him.

Sometimes There Are No Words, No Clever Quotes To Sum Up What’s Happened That Day. Sometimes You Do Everything Right, Everything Exactly Right, And Still You Feel Like You Failed, Did It Need To End That Way? Could Something Have Been Done To Prevent This Tragedy? I Miss You Christina....


  1. Just Wanted To Point Out That I Have Fixed A Mistake In This Post That My Wonderful Mother Pointed Out To Me. I Had The Date That My Friend Christina Passed Away Written As November 19th 2010 When It Should Be August 19th 2010. If Anyone Reading My Posts Notices Mistakes Please Feel Free To Tell Me So That I Can Fix Them.

  2. I just want to let you know that I'm praying for you and all of Christina's friends and family.
