Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Best & The Worst

The other night I met up with a few of the guys here at school and we decided to go on a burger run (when you leave the college and go to the city, eat some burgers and then come back). I went with three of the guys that are at Bethany this year, one guy that I know from last year and two of the freshman. It was an amazing trip to the city and back where we were able to learn about each other and start some new friendships. Even though it does cost money to hop in a car, drive to the city, get burgers and drive back it was completely worth it and I am confident that I couldn’t ever even come close to putting a price tag on the experience and conversations that we had while we got to know each other and build new friendships. The guy that came with us that I knew from last year was David and the freshman guys were Eric and Jeff.

Most of the conversation that I had was between Jeff and myself while I was driving us into the city and then we were all able to sit down and talk for a while as a group. One of the topics that we got into that I found really interesting and meaningful consisted of two questions; “What is the worst? And what is the best?” As each of us answered these two questions while munching on our burgers we were able to learn a lot about each other as well as ourselves. I decided to post my answers to these two questions on my blog and encourage others to comment and answer these two questions themselves.

What Is The Worst?

Personally, the thing that I believe is the worst is when an innocent person is punished or hurt in any way and they have no power to stop what is happening in whatever situation they are in and they don’t have the power to stop the pain that they are experiencing (When I say pain I don’t only mean physical pain but any kind of pain that a person could feel).

The reason that I chose this answer is because I feel that I can relate well to people and how they feel that may find themselves in a situation like the above. I feel that I can relate to these people and how they feel in some way is because I have to deal with physical and emotional pain every day because of having a serious medical condition that I will most likely struggle with for the rest of my life. I am powerless to change the fact that I am sick and in pain and I am unable to stop the pain that I deal with every day. I hope that answer and explanation make at least a little bit of sense.

What Is The Best?

I believe that the thing that is the best is being able to be loved and forgiven time and time again by God even though I continue to make mistakes and will never be perfect. It is the best to know that God’s love for me will never run out or stop no matter what happens and even though he knows that I will continue to make mistakes and need forgiveness from him in the future because we as humans are imperfect beings because we have been born into a world of sin.

I don’t think that my answer to “What is the best?” needs an explanation just because to me my answer seems pretty straight forward. If you are reading this and you do feel that this answer does require more explanation please feel free to post a comment and I will do my best to explain it more.

The reason I felt it was so important to post my answers to these questions on my blog is because I feel like these are important questions to ask ourselves and even others in order to get a better idea of where we stand and what we believe about the best and the worst. I am also just really excited to share this because it just goes to show how a person can start a sweet new friendship with someone or learn more about someone that they already know just by hopping into a car and driving from Hepburn to Saskatoon for a burger run. I’m not saying that burgers and cars need to be involved but what I am trying to get across is the importance of making an effort to spend time with someone that you don’t know or even someone you do know and just talk with them about anything. It is amazing what can come out of these conversations.

I want to encourage those of you that are reading this to post in the comment box what your answers are to “What is the best? And What is the worst?”

Time for me to go to supper.



  1. Hey, Aaron. I think that the worst thing is the fact that there are so many adolescent females who feel as though they are not good enough as they are and must conform to the beauty standards set out by society. It breaks my heart to see girls changing themselves to gain love and acceptance, when they are perfectly beautiful as they are. And that leads me to the thing that I find the best, and that would be the love that God has for His children and the grace that He extends to us. He created us as a perfect, wonderful gift to Himself and while we do have sin natures, we are also still precious to God because we are His creations.


  2. I personally have a copious amount of "Bests" but I will sum up the best "Best". The Best for me is The moon, Music, Drama, Meeting new people, Learning about new people and why they do things and best of all bests is being there to listen to people and be the kind of person that people think "I have no one to talk to about this thing that's really ripping me up inside... Wait... I can talk to Jeff!"
    Or listening to people and doing my best to let god give advice through me.

    The worst for me is helplessness. Kinda similar to yours Aaron, but more in the sense of ME personally not being able to help. When I see some one in pain of any kind and I can't do anything at all to help them. I love helping people and listening to them, but when I can't even do that it just kills me. BUT, just recently, god gave me wonderful information. As I was pondering about this certain worst, God told me that I am NOT completely helpless to help. I can ALWAYS pray. And that's helping a LOT. So that was a kinda cool revelation.
    ALSO, misunderstood intentions. When I question people about certain things, and they misunderstand that as me attacking them and negatively questioning them. I try my hardest not to negatively impact people in any way, but I can be pretty bad at it.

  3. I really thnk that both Elisa's and Jeff's answeres were really cool! I am super excited about your answeres and it is encouraging to see people responding to the posts so that we an have discussions together on here about what we read, what we think and what we can learn from each other!

    Keep up the conversations while you guys continue to comment on what I post here!

  4. Great questions Aaron! You're such an encouraging guy! I'm enjoying reading your blog right now because I feel like I have no connections to anybody with the same faith as me. It's nice to be able to hear what God's doing in your life. As well, I'm continuing to think about the two questions you posed...

    -Nicole Saindon-

  5. Yeah Aaron, you hit it right on the head. The pain and suffering in this world. It is so difficult for us to understand in our human sense. I read through the book of Job the other day and on my way to work the next morning I thought, "Wow, God is so big, so amazing! My thoughts cannot comprehend the greatness of God nor his plans for the human race. I am so small and unaware. My thinking is so finite; his is so infinite." So many times I've felt helpless, wishing and praying I could do something to help my kids make it through the storms of life but God whispered, "Trust in ME. I have a big plan and a purpose that you can only see the tip of." So the best is that God is God and he has given us each other. Whether it's a song, which by the way, I heard an amazing one after reading your blog yesterday morning on my way to work, or a friend, a child's hug, well spoken words (like apples of gold in settings of silver).

    Aaron, this is a song that really spoke to me about the waiting and the pain:

    Elisa, I don't know if you've heard this one, but it speaks so much of what I am sure you would want girls to know everywhere:

    Love you Aaron & thanks for sharing your heart!

  6. The worst is admitting defeat before defeat is obtained.
    The best is a night spent with people you love, around a campfire, with an open sky, in the woods, with warm tents near, food and drink at hand, meaningful joy-filled conversation. Oh and God is there. And with nothing to do the next day! The Best!

  7. Man Aaron, this was such a great night.
    I'm not sure McDonalds has ever tasted as good as it did being washed down by such conversation.
    I really enjoyed reading this.
    See ya soon; David Z
