Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Trust And Grief

W.S. Gilbert Wrote, “Its love that makes the world go round” and if that’s true, then the world spun a little faster when Christina was in it.
Those of you that know me have most likely heard or read on my blog that my friend Christina passed away as the result of a car accident on August 13 this last summer. Missing her and dealing with her death has been hard for me. I desperately want to trust that God loves his children and is devastated when something like this happens but that he also lets it happen for a reason. I have been searching for that reason and how something good could possibly come from this situation. I know that God wants me to trust him, to believe that he knows why things like this happen and leave it in his hands. This is something I have been unable to do up to this point but I do know that as time passes I will get there. If you are reading this I want to ask you to pray for everyone that was affected by Christina’s death, that they would be able to find peace and comfort in God even though this is a hard time for them.
Here are a few things that I wanted to say about Christina:
Christina’s death has caused me to stop and take stock of my life, to measure who I am and what I have become. I don’t have all of those answers myself, but I know who Christina was. Christina lived and died in a broken and unjust world, a world where young women like her that have a fierce love for God, her family and friends. I know that if Christina were here today she would tell me not to mourn her death but to celebrate her life. She would tell me to love my family and friends unconditionally and to stay close to Christ because in the end that’s all that matters.

October 10, 1989 - August 13, 2010

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