Friday, October 1, 2010

Rise Up 2010 – Camp Evergreen

Today is the day! Rise Up 2010 starts today at Camp Evergreen and I am happy to say that I will be able to be there this year! One of my biggest passions in life is working with youth and getting to work with them at Camp is even better. For me there is just something about working with youth at a Christian camp that makes the experience so much more amazing. A few of the things that I think make it so great are: when you are at a Christian camp it is sweet that the main focus is on God and some really amazing conversations come up as a result of that focus. Another thing that I love about working with youth at camp is the fact that there is nothing in this world that is better than being able to sit down with one of the kids and share what God has done in your life while hearing about what God is doing in their life. The thing that I think is best about working at camp is being able to know that I have been able to make some difference in a kids life and share God’s love with  them through my actions and the words that I say to them while I am there.
I will be leaving for camp with two other people from Bethany College right after lunch today and I am looking forward to writing a post about our camp experience when we get back!
Please pray for safe travels on the way there and back and that we would be open to God’s guidance and allow him to use in any way that he chooses while we are there.

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