Tuesday, October 12, 2010

And If I Could Thank God That I Am Here And That I Am Alive....

I haven’t had a chance to post anything new since I wrote part one of my experience at Camp Evergreen for Rise Up and it has been bothering me because I would like to put up a new post at least once a week. Right now I am feeling really sick so I am unable to do much of anything so it’s a great time to just sit at my computer and write.
This week is one of the worst times ever for me to not be feeling good, not that any time is a good time to be sick but this week is the worst time. The reason that it’s the worst is because I have several meetings and music practices to be at for upcoming events and then the events themselves to be at. Here is a little taste of what my schedule for this week looks like not including homework:
Monday – Off For Thanksgiving (That’s Nice).
Tuesday – Get Everything Ready For My Band Playing In Chapel And Practice Because We Are Playing On Wednesday.
Tuesday Afternoon – Meeting For Upcoming Youth Night At Bethany College.
Tuesday Night – Unit Meeting.
Wednesday Morning – Band Playing In Chapel.
Wednesday Night – Practice For Music Committee Band As Well As Practice For Youth Min Band.
Thursday – Youth Min Planning And Event Set Up/Make Sure I’m Good To Go For Speaking And Playing Drums At The Event.
Friday – Nothing Planned Yet (Thank God).
Saturday – Rest And Hope I’m Feeling Better.
Sunday Night – Play Drums For Worship Session.
It will be a little bit of a crazy week for me and I think it might just feel crazier then it is because I’m sick. Right now I am just doing my best to trust God to give me the strength and keep me out of the hospital so that I don’t have to bail out on my commitments. One thing that I have found in the past is that if I am able to stay positive and trust God when I am going through a time like this I end up enjoying myself and getting through everything even though I am sick. I hope that last sentence made sense because I realize it is very poorly worded. I guess the whole being sick and on a lot of medication thing is getting to my head.
I’m going to admit that I am not really sure why I felt that I should write about what is going on in my life and being sick. I think that a big part of the reason I wanted to post this is I am just really hoping that maybe by reading this people can be encouraged to just trust in God and continue walking with him even when things are really hard.
Yea I’m pretty sure that is all I have to say for right now.
Have a great week everyone!

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