Wednesday, June 6, 2012

You Kick Me While I’m Down I’ll Break Your Legs

I know what those of you that are reading this are thinking right now ‘Strange title and this guy hasn’t written a post in a really long time’. Well you are right. It has been way too long since I have written a post on here so here I go….

Lately life has been feeling kinda crazy. It’s not just the crazy that you feel when you are really busy (although since the end of February I have been really busy) but it is the crazy that you feel when everything is well, crazy. As most of my readers know I suffer from a pretty serious medical condition that can sometimes just act up for what seems like no reason and land me in Royal University Hospital for a while. Due to serious complications from my condition last summer, two surgeries and then recovery/getting back on my feet I was unable to do much of anything until February except sit at home and have Social Services and my parents help support me (love you and thank you so much Mom and Dad) I felt like a really big failure. I didn’t really feel very inspired, I didn’t feel like my life was going anywhere and I was feeling depressed about all of it.

The turning point in all of this was when me and my psychologist started making some major progress with the depression and the PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) that I continue to deal with. Yes, I still struggle with feeling depressed about all of it sometimes and I still wake up yelling from nightmares sometimes but there has been a lot of progress as well. There is no way that I can give all of the credit for this progress in my emotional well being to myself and my psychologist. There have been several amazing people in my life that have really been there for me, stuck by me through the bad times and given me a lot of encouragement, support and helped me to take the situation at hand and reminded me to look at it in a positive way.

At the end of February I landed a job as a security guard with Commissionaires and have really done well in that job. At about the same time that I landed that job I also found myself a new roommate that has worked out really well. Then just a few days ago I met an amazing friend (TJ) and we have found that we have been through a lot of the same things in life so we have decided to help each other out as much as possible.

I guess what I am trying to say is that a few months ago I felt like I was completely down and out but I was able to take that situation and change it, learn from it and become a better person because of it. Yes, I did need to seek help to get back on track but for those of you that are reading this I want to let you know that there is no shame in that. If you are feeling down and out right now I want to encourage you by telling you that there is hope (I know everyone says that but it’s true), there is no shame in asking for help and stay determined to turn things around. You will get there.



  1. Thankyou Aaron for inviting me into your blog (thoughts) about your life the ups and downs and how you are able to still stay positive with everything keep living one day at a time and be blessed

    PS. Blogging is thearaputic so keep it up its good for you and your readers


  2. thanks for sharing again Aaron. I will admit I haven't read your blogs as faithfully as I used, but you were and still are in my daily prayers and never left. You have an amazing support group in your family and they have been there from the start. Keep up bloging

  3. Aaron. This was a very encouraging story to hear. I always enjoy seeing you at random times throughout the year and hearing what you are up to. I enjoy hearing about your journey even when I'm not around.
    I continue to pray for you,
