Thursday, November 25, 2010

And We Built These Dreams On Sand, Will They All Slip Through Our Hands....

Dreams, they are something that we all have. I'm not talking about those crazy dreams that we have at night and then forget the instant that we wake up while we desperately try to hang on to that last glimmer of happiness in that pain free world. I'm talking about our dreams and hopes that we have in every day life. Some of them fall away and break apart but some of them bring us to the most amazing places. Lately in life I have found that the dreams that I am the most excited about, the ones that seem like they will be perfect are the ones that are falling away and breaking apart at my feet. I don't understand why life is like this right now but I am desperately trying to trust God and keep hanging onto him because I know that if something is supposed to work out then God will make it happen. Knowing this and being able to let go of those dreams that have fallen away and broken are two different things. I have found myself upset at times about what could have been or what I think should have been.

A lot has happened in my life lately and I can't even begin to uunderstand it and that is why I need to trust God but even in my attempt to trust God with all that is going on I still feel helpless. Right now I feel broken, lonely, lost, scared and confused. I don't think I know where to go next so I am doing my best to look to God for direction.

I have noticed that many times in life when someone is going through a hard time people start to pull away from them. These people that pull away aren't bad people, they are just afraid of being around someone that is hurting because it scares them that they might say or do the wrong thing and make it worse. From what I am experiencing right now it hurts a lot more for people to pull away from me when I am having a hard time then if they were to say or do something wrong. I often just want to stand up and tell everyone that yes I am hurting right now but please don't pull away because you don't know what to say or do! Just the fact that you are with me makes getting through this so much easier for me. It takes a lot for a friend to upset me by saying or doing something wrong so please just try to forget about that fear so that whenever anyone in our community is having a hard time we can leave our fear behind us and gather around them in loving support.

I guess that is all I have to say for right now, I started writing this post knowing that I needed to get this point across but I had no idea how I would do it so I guess this will have to do. Everything that I have written here is my personal opinion and it is from my point of view so please use the comments section below this post to let me know what you think.



  1. Hi Aaron,

    Yes, I agree. It is so important for us to be sensitive to one another and to gather around each other (esp as believers) to support and encourage one another.

    Love you!

  2. I agree that it's incredibly important to support others and not to fade away when some one is in need. It's also sometimes difficult to see when some one is in need and when you get caught up in your own problems and maybe in this case, assignments, it's hard to see when others are struggling.
