Friday, May 27, 2011

And Now You’re Dead Inside Still You Wonder Why….

Life. It’s messy, it’s scary, it’s painful, it’s intense and at the same time it is an amazing and beautiful blessing. We gain and we lose, expect the amazing and crash into disappointment but still we go on and tell ourselves that it will all work out, we hope and pray that it will be okay. We often don’t realize the change as God begins to work in our lives, while he hears us praying for life to stop crashing down around us. It is always great to have someone close from the outside looking in to stop us and show us what has changed and what God has built up in our lives when we are feeling like everything is still falling and nothing is getting better.

Right now this person is my mom. She has been amazing, given me hope and gave me someone close by in this world to hold on to during those hard times.

I want to encourage all of you that read this to just be thankful for the person or people in your life that give you hope and someone to hold onto those hard times in life and let them know how amazing they are.
